Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on February 17, 2004 By Sput In Skinning
I've had a load of ideas for new designs for skins recently...I always thought the hardest part would be having the ideas!

Anyhow, I've just knocked together a "sampler" of one idea I've had to run it up the flag pole and see if people think it would float (don't you love mixed metaphors?)

So...see what you think:

That's all I have for now, but what I have in mind is making all the buttons into holes which glow red as you roll over them. Unlike the skin I'm hoping to finish soon, I'll aim to keep the main elements pretty simple with this one.

Comments? Anyone seen anything like this before I start down this road?
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on Feb 17, 2004
Actually - a while after posting this I remembered seeing something fur related somewhere, and then I remembered where: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=29&SkinID=125

I think if no one has done a furry WindowBlind skin then I'm going to have to give it a go
on Feb 17, 2004
...Well, there is this: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=1&SkinID=3696

But that's completely different to what I have in mind...and yes, I am talking to myself!
on Feb 17, 2004
That's really not much to go on.......... but if you want a skin like that, why do you care what anyone else thinks?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Feb 17, 2004
Who said I wanted it Mind you, it could go with the fluffy dice in the car
on Feb 18, 2004
I think you could do really something funny with the furr and stuff, just mix it with a pink caddilac (yikes ) , make some dices in the start menu, a big mercedes star as more programs etc.
on Feb 18, 2004
#5 - you've got the idea, although I hadn't intended making it specifically car related (and a Merc logo might cause problems!)

I really got the idea because I know that working with a texture like fur (to make it tile/scale etc) would be a challenge, where as most people seem to tend to make (easier?) glass/plastic/metal/flat/etc skins. So, while the demand for something like this might be smaller, I might be the only one catering for a niche market
on Feb 18, 2004
I wouldn't use it, but if you like you should make it.
on Feb 18, 2004
I think I'm going to leave it a while before I start a new skin...I'll mull this one over and see if I still think the challenge would be worth it. Who knows, I might aim for the "most unloved, tacky looking skin" award at the next GUI Olympics
on Feb 23, 2004
OK...since I've finished my first skin and people seem to like it, despite it being a little "chunky", I wonder if this would give people a better idea of what I have in mind for this PurpleFurrrr skin:

Now, I wouldn't say this was something I'd opt to use every day...but is there a "most unusual skin" catagory in the GUI Olympics?

Would ANYONE actually use this? To work with the furry edges it would have to be used with the right wallpaper, and a lot of the rest of it would have to be more subdued to be at all practical...but I THINK this might just about be do-able...?
on Feb 23, 2004
whoah. Thats kinda cool actually!
on Feb 23, 2004
Just to be clear - it's only a very rough mock up thrown together in a few minutes at the moment, but I think it gives the idea a bit better than the earlier sample

BTW...I've VERY please with the faux fur texture - the first sample was based on a photo of real fur, but the 2nd is 100% generated in Photoshop by me...can anyone tell it's computer generated? (or rather hand drawn!)
on Feb 24, 2004
To answer one of your questions, No, I would never use this or something like it. But that's a matter of personal taste in re: faux fur, and should not be taken as an adverse judgement on your work. I don't use pink skins, either, no matter how well done.

The faux fur texture is quite nice as far as faux fur goes. And I would encourage anyone who helps us break out of the slick aqua glass look. I think the real challenge you'll run into with this is the same obstacle that keeps so many faux wood skins from being popular. It will be very difficult to maintain the quality of the fur texture while tiling or stretching, a necessary evil for windowblinds. I sincerely wish you good luck with it though.

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on Feb 24, 2004
#12 - SD, Pink? It's purple not pink

I recognise the challenge inherent in trying to pull this off...that's the appeal of trying it...As Kennedy said:

"We choose to go to the moon. . . . Not because it is easy, but because it is hard. . . . Because there is new knowledge to be gained"

I have what I hope is a cunning plan to try and make it workable based on experience trying various things in the first skin I made...Though, it may fail completely when I try it for real.

I guess I'm hoping to really push what people might imagine their desktop could look like as far as I can...so in this case, tasteless/tacky? yes - probably, Difficult? Definately.

I may well adjust the colour though from purple...ideally given an infinate amount of play time I'd make it in every shade and hue so that people can pick the fur to match thier outfit
on Feb 27, 2004
Sput... My comment re: pink was intended as an example of another type of skin I won't use, not about your skin per se.

I may well adjust the colour though from purple...ideally given an infinate amount of play time I'd make it in every shade and hue so that people can pick the fur to match thier outfit

Ideally, to me, the custom color support feature in WB will eventually be more s e l e c t ive so we could just load a gray scale skin and people could color bits of it to their heart's content or as the mood strikes.

I've been working on my first WB submission for months, and finally decided to just go with 12 subskins for color. It's taken me so long because I've been learning as I go, and don't want to submit until I feel it's as perfect as I can make it, since it's my first skin. The theme is textured monochrome, and without the versatility of the color packs, I just don't think it would be as striking.

But I got some rather unusual results trying to use the custom color support, so I ended up just making 12 versions where I could control the color better. I think it is the texture which is behind this, but try as I may I couldn't seem to get around it without tweaking each hue-version so the texture appears consistent across versions.

Which, back on topic, led to my comment vis-a-vis the difficulty of using textures in WB. And I do wish you good luck with this. Perhaps you'll discover something that will help the rest of us who want something besides glass, chrome, and shiny plastic textures.
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fer crying out loud... the machine is now eating the word s e l e c t.
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on Feb 27, 2004
I understant about the custom colour. I had a brief experiment with it before uploading my Alien-Dial blind, but gave up on trying to figure it out to make it work...besides, in my case from the start I'd anticipated the suite of things all fitting how I'd visualised them...user choice? With skins? What an absurd idea I hope the irony is obvious as skinning is all about choice of course, it's just that colour support was beyond me - for now

I've been continuing experiments with this fur idea, with very mixed results. I've started it in SkinStudio now and made some progress on the start menu (I find that a nice easy bit to start on, but it includes the needs to scale/stretch and work against mixed backgrounds).

I've had to abandon having the furry edge free against the background as I'd missed the fact that the start menu isn't always shown against the wall paper of course! D'oh. Here's how it looks at the moment, but this is clearly very very draft...

I'm not sure this is going to work out, and it'll probably never see the light of day now, but I plan to learn from the exercise anyhow
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