Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on February 17, 2004 By Sput In Skinning
I've had a load of ideas for new designs for skins recently...I always thought the hardest part would be having the ideas!

Anyhow, I've just knocked together a "sampler" of one idea I've had to run it up the flag pole and see if people think it would float (don't you love mixed metaphors?)

So...see what you think:

That's all I have for now, but what I have in mind is making all the buttons into holes which glow red as you roll over them. Unlike the skin I'm hoping to finish soon, I'll aim to keep the main elements pretty simple with this one.

Comments? Anyone seen anything like this before I start down this road?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 27, 2004
I've had to abandon having the furry edge free against the background as I'd missed the fact that the start menu isn't always shown against the wall paper of course! D'oh

I infer from this comment that the fur effect on the edges is made up in part of alpha-blended pixels, thereby preventing you from using magic pink to get the freeform shape? And I'm guessing that if you leave out the semi-transparent bits, it no longer looks like fine-fur, but rather something more like my dog when it comes in from playing in the mud...

Oh, well, keep trying. I know I will. I'm having nearly as much fun with my mistakes as I am with my successes.

on Feb 27, 2004
#16 SD - exactly. The edges need to be sub pixel fine to look anyhting like fur. I'd made the stooopid assumption initially that this didn't matter as I could just create it against the intended wallpaper and skip the tranperancy...a cunning plan with just 2 drawbacks - one, the wallpaper is often covered by a window/icons, and two - the wall paper is often covered by a window/icons. OK, that's only 1 drawback, but it's such a big one that it's worth mentioning twice

Now, if only WB could deal with alpha blending the outer edges of things it would be so empowering creatively...but I can understand the technicalities of why this is just about practically impossible for now. Once everything is rendered by Direct3d this'll be fixed I'm sure
on Feb 27, 2004
Ahhh...I've just had a thought. I could concentrate on making a DesktopXP theme to make use of the alpha blending, and keep the matching WB skin fairly "simple"...that's so simple it might just work
on Feb 29, 2004
I think that could be a better DesktopX (not XP) theme than a WB. You're doing good though, keep on chuggin'

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