Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on February 23, 2004 By Sput In Stardock Software
I've noticed that some people manage to layout their comments when they upload things in a very nice way - often including the use of bullets.

HOW??? It's a little thing, but I'd like to make the comments I include more readable and the links to related items easier to follow.

Can you include some HTML elements? If so, is there a list anywhere? Or, like the img and B/U tags, are some of them interpreted and implemented that way?

Have I missed a help screen/file somewhere?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 23, 2004
I know you can use <BR> and <P> but I don't how to add bullets. If we can get the info on how people are doing this, I'll add it to FAQ.

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on Feb 23, 2004
I just checked if it's the same in the message boards but nope...they don't work here...I'll be keen to hear though what people are doing
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hang on though!! it must work here...for BR anyhow as they get added in when you edit a message!
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on Feb 23, 2004
...I give up...some combination of (UL) and (LI) I thought would work...but I must be missing something

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on Feb 24, 2004
I am betting they use the special symbol for it. something like c^0169
on Feb 24, 2004
˚like this
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on Feb 24, 2004
˚ऒऔझऒखघऑthats the degree sign.
on Feb 24, 2004

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on Feb 24, 2004
Good Idea for Highlighting Something
can't get the text centered
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on Feb 24, 2004
I kinda went all out.
U could always just use this as a seperator
yeah it works good.
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on Feb 24, 2004

Testing to see which symbols will post
on Feb 24, 2004
Oh cool! Well done Kongit! That'll work for me, even if it's not what other people are using
on Feb 24, 2004
on Feb 24, 2004

that is a cool symbol
on Feb 24, 2004
Some symbols which may prove useful:


So for bullet points, this should work
● Item 1
● Item 2
● Item 3

[Message Edited]
on Feb 24, 2004
Hmmm...it might just be me, but dealing with these Unicode characters seems to be making IE struggle...and I wonder which symbols will work with all sorts of browsers...ah well, the bullets should be pretty safe
2 Pages1 2