Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on April 3, 2004 By Sput In Skinning
I'm working on a skin where I'm trying to have window buttons outside of the main window frame. I realised recently that to do this, the title bar graphic has to include enough magic pink to "host" my buttons...so great, I now have them where I want - BUT.....

When I switch focus from a window, it remains in the "active" state unless I then roll over one of the buttons in the title bar of the now inactive window.

Why? *sob*

Anyone else had this symptom before? I had hoped it had been caused by the latest WB build, but other skins I have still work fine so I guess it's something in what I'm working on.

It may be complicated by the fact that I have a "do nothing" button behind all the other buttons to allow them to merge with a textured title bar seemlessly....?

HELP! I only have a short while to as I'm hoping to get this in the GUIO, and this (and the missing menu separator) are holding me up badly.
on Apr 03, 2004
Update: definately related to the "do nothing" button under the close/max/min buttons as when I hide that one, the window behaves correctly....how irritating!
on Apr 05, 2004
I've had to give up on the design I had hoped for because of this "bug"...ah well, ya can't argue with what works, you have to work around it.