Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on March 22, 2004 By Sput In Skinning
I seem to hit this issue each time I make a skin, but this time I'm stumped because it was working very nicely....

The separator item on my pull down menus is invisible. Every other graphic in Menus/Pull down item image work fine, except the separator.

I have a different Pull Down Item (Top Item) graphic, but it was working with that to start with.

The only thing I knowingly changed that seemed related (and just before I noticed the separator had gone walkabout) is adding some details to the Pull Down Items Extras...but that shouldn't make the separator suddenly vanish should it?

Even if I make the separator frame in the Pull down item graphic a solid colour, I'm seeing nothing on any menus...help. How do I get it working again?

The pulldown items extra is a tga, the other menu graphics are bmps relying of magic pink. If I make the normal and separator graphics into solid colour then the menu has gaps in the solid colour showing the menu background image where the separator should be about half the height of the normal menu items.

...what's going on? How have I broken this? Particularly when it was all working fine for ages!
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 27, 2004
Ahh, not only have I already had a personall reply from someone, but apparently it's been passed to the dev team so *fingers crossed*

Once again, tech support from StarDock seems to be well worth the very reasonable on-going registration fee I couldn't imagine such a prompt personal reply from most software developers.

Maybe I'm biased too though as the reply included brief praise for the skin I'm working on
[Message Edited]
on Mar 27, 2004
Essencay eagerly awaits an answer

Also notice on SDC that SkinStudio and WB's have updates
on Mar 27, 2004
...I've just d/l'd them and about to re-start, but I didn't see anything in the history to indicate this issue has been tracked down and solved yet...that would be expecting too much I think...
on Mar 27, 2004
Sput is not too surprised to find that the most recent update hasn't solved the problem....yet

BTW - oddly when other people try my skin, they report seeing the separator on SOME menus, yet I can't find any menus it works on...curiouser and curiouser...
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