Well, this is a site - apparently mine. No idea what IU'll do with it if anything.
Published on February 16, 2004 By Sput In Skinning
OK, I'm getting close to "finishing" my first WB skin, but I need some feedback on the design elements, the degree of consitency, useability on different screens etc before I feel able to finish it and upload it with confidence.

However, I know no one outside of here who has WindowBlinds to try it out for me!

Any volunteers? And if so, any idea how you'd want me to get the file to you?

As an idea of what it looks like:

...I'm struggling to finish it as I'm absolutely fed up with it myself now, so a fresh view would be appreciated!

on Feb 16, 2004
I'm in no position to critique this, as I have only completed about 30% of a theme before I went nuts. If nothing else, congradulate yourself for getting this far on it.
Now, step away from it for a few days, load it up and ask yourself if YOU would like to use this theme on your desktop.
If the answer is yes, then submit it. If no, then start again. I can't tell you how many weeks I've had into a DesktopX theme and done this, only to end up scrapping the entire project. But the key.... I learn from every scrap and the end results just get better.

Keep plugging... you'll get there
on Feb 16, 2004
The truth is that if I step away from this now I'm pretty sure I'll never finish it...it's just the way I do things. Once I leave something for a while, I'd rather start something entirely new. This isn't a theme I'd choose to use now, but I can't tell if that's because I'm fed up with seeing it a pixel at a time or because the whole thing has gone astray. Some bits have turned out just as I imagined, and some bits are actually better than I hoped, but I have this horrible feeling that overall it just doesn't work.

What I need someone to tell me is (in decending order of what I want to hear :

0) is it the best thing since sliced bread and everyone loves it ::
a) can I finish the remaining bits and see the back of it. *fingers crossed*
can I tweak a few bits to get it up to scratch - which is what I really expect/hope
c) Does it need a major overhaul to make anyone but it's maker love it
d) is this proof that I have no tallent and should give up now.

If the answer is d or c, then seeing the preview is probably enough, and I'd welcome the (constructive) feedback...but if it's b or even a, then I need someone to do the detail checking as a "proof reader".

If I don't get any other feedback, I'll have to submit it and see if the admins like it, and if not, if they can give me some feedback
on Feb 16, 2004
I'll check it out for you, Sput
on Feb 17, 2004
pictoratus - ta...can you suggest how I can send it to you? Would a Mb+ e-mail be OK?
on Feb 17, 2004
#4 by Skinner Sput - 2/17/2004 4:50:44 AM pictoratus - ta...can you suggest how I can send it to you? Would a Mb+ e-mail be OK?

Sure, just send it to pictoratus@pictoratus.com
[Message Edited]
on Feb 17, 2004
K - thanks in advance...I'll have to wait till finish work to send it. And feel free to be brutally honest...
on Feb 17, 2004
I'm not a fan of this kind of skin, whether it's done well or not - so ignore me if you fancy - but the one thing that would put me off your skin is the size of the Title bar on the windows. I hate losing screen-realstate to bits of window.

regards, Jerry

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Feb 17, 2004
JerryHat - I take no offence as I agree with you Though, to mitigate against this, I've made sure that when maximized, all of the top extra bit is cropped off the screen...
on Feb 17, 2004
#6 by Skinner Sput - 2/17/2004 8:51:49 AM K - thanks in advance...I'll have to wait till finish work to send it. And feel free to be brutally honest...

Ok, just send it when you're ready.

I'll be sure to have my fine-toothed comb ready. j/k
on Feb 17, 2004
...I take that back about cropping the window when maximized It seems I'll have to go back and look at that again as it's not doing that now...I think I'd also look at adding a sub skin version with thin title bars eventually too as this is a completely fair point.
on Feb 17, 2004
pictoratus - hopefully you have the work in progress now...I "look forward" to your comments. BTW, I've had a look at your work and suffice to say that I'll respect your opinions